Non-intrusive vtable


const Control = union(enum) {
    button: *Controls.Button,
    menubar: *Controls.Menubar,
    menu: *Controls.Menu,
    menu_item: *Controls.MenuItem,
    editor: *Controls.Editor,

    fn generation(self: Control) usize {
        return switch (self) {
            inline else => |c| c.generation,

    fn setGeneration(self: Control, n: usize) void {
        switch (self) {
            inline else => |c| c.generation = n,

    fn deinit(self: Control) void {
        switch (self) {
            inline else => |c| c.deinit(),

I’m calling this thing a “non-intrusive vtable”. A brief description for the less familiar with Zig.

In short, we have a tagged union, Control, that can store a pointer to one of the Controls types listed. Because it’s a tagged union, the variable itself stores both the pointer as well as a “tag” value indicating which of the variants is being stored, so there’s no type confusion.

(One of these is unfortunately still 16 bytes on 64-bit systems: the tag, which could theoretically be stored in 3 bits, nonetheless has a full 64 bits allocated to it, because the payload that follows is a pointer, which must be aligned. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

In regular Zig code you can switch on the value to get at the payload:

var b: *Controls.Button = undefined;  // pretend we have one
var c: Control = .{ .button = b };

switch (c) {
    .button => |p| {
        // this branch will run, with p == b.
    .menubar => |mb| {
        // won't run in this case, but you get the idea.
    else => {
        // mandatory default if all cases aren't handled explicitly!

Now, these Controls types all carry a generation: usize member. One way of getting the generation of an arbitrary Control would be this:

fn getControlGeneration(c: Control) usize {
    return switch (c) {
        .button => |b| b.generation,
        .menubar => |mb| mb.generation,
        .menu => |m| m.generation,
        .menu_item => |mi| mi.generation,
        .editor => |e| e.generation,

This works fine, and is probably optimal. But what’s even more optimal is letting comptime do the codegen for you. Returning to the definition above, we find:

    fn generation(self: Control) usize {
        return switch (self) {
            inline else => |c| c.generation,

inline else is inline in the same way inline for and inline while are. For every unhandled case, a prong is unrolled. This means the body must compile for each possible capture (i.e. each payload type). (You can of course do comptime calls here, to do different things with different kinds of payloads, though please consider your complexity budget!)

In this way, we create dispatch functions that encode the knowledge of (biggest air quotes in the world) “all their subtypes’ implementations”. Ha ha ha.

Aside on tags

As a kind-of-side, another neat thing Zig affords when working with tagged unions is call-site ergonomics when passing them to and from functions.

We have Controls stored in a hashmap with a string lookup. Here’s a first version of a “get control by ID” function:

fn controlById(id: []const u8) ?Control {
    return controls.get(id);

Too easy. But now using it looks like this:

fn render() {
    if (controlById("menubar")) |c| {
        const mb = c.menubar; // <-- safety-checked variant assertion
        // mb has type *Controls.Menubar.
    // ...

And indeed, most actual uses will probably need an intermediate, since most call-sites will actually know the type of what they’re asking for. Why not instead roll that into the getter?

fn controlById(
    comptime tag: std.meta.Tag(Control),
    id: []const u8,
) ?std.meta.TagPayload(Control, tag) {
    const c = self.controls.get(id) orelse return null;
    return @field(c, @tagName(tag));

std.meta.Tag(Control) gets the type of the “tag” type of the given type. What a mouthful. In other words, Control is a tagged union, and the tag is the implicitly-defined enum that represents which variant is chosen. For Control, that enum takes the values .button, .menubar, .menu, etc.

We take the expected tag of Control at comptime, and declare our return type to be (the optional of) the payload in Control that corresponds to tag, using std.meta.TagPayload(Control, tag). So a call like controlById(.button, "xyz") has the return type ?*Controls.Button.

(Zig will unroll one of these functions per distinct tag, and so type-errors may occur if something doesn’t match up for one particular case! Conversely, you can write code that wouldn’t check for all variants if you don’t plan on using it for those, but it’s a friendly act to yourself and others to write explicit checks with explicit messages. :)

We fetch the Control as before, but now we use the @field builtin to perform the equivalent of c.blah, where blah is specified by @tagName(tag).

The @tagName builtin returns a comptime string of the tag’s name, so for .button it gives "button". This is what @field wants, and so the effect is a safety-checked variant assertion, like we were doing in our “user” code before, only now it’s done as part of the getter itself.

If you wanted to, you could even make the function non-asserting, instead returning null if the type was a mismatch:

fn controlById(
    comptime tag: std.meta.Tag(Control),
    id: []const u8,
) ?std.meta.TagPayload(Control, tag) {
    const c = self.controls.get(id) orelse return null;
    return switch (c) {
        tag |payload| => payload,
        else => null,

You get the idea! You can do loads with this stuff.