Time travel, raw


Raw log from my notes re: Time travel follows.


RV32I with some RV32C/refactoring WIP from long ago. The WIP probably feels way too magic for me now, but we should take a look at it. Now uses Niar.


  • Decombing
  • RV32C and associated refactor
    • Then add RV32E, RV64I?
  • The entire test infra could be so much more robust.
  • M extension
  • A extension
  • ā€œZicsrā€ extension
  • ili9341spi interface


First priority is decombing the design to try to get the build time down. Itā€™s currently redonkulous:

[2024-07-03 13:05:24,917] niar: INFO: building sae for icebreaker
[2024-07-03 13:05:24,917] niar: DEBUG: starting elaboration
[2024-07-03 13:05:25,148] niar: DEBUG: elaboration finished in 0:00:00.230441
[2024-07-03 13:05:25,148] niar: DEBUG: 'sae.il': 425,987 bytes
[2024-07-03 13:05:25,148] niar: DEBUG: starting synthesis/pnr
[2024-07-03 13:05:25,148] niar: INFO: [run]   execute_build
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,179] niar: DEBUG: synthesis/pnr finished in 0:02:47.031564
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,207] niar: INFO: 
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,207] niar: INFO: === sae ===
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,207] niar: INFO: 
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,207] niar: INFO:    Number of wires:               2859
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,207] niar: INFO:    Number of wire bits:           9313
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,207] niar: INFO:    Number of public wires:        2859
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of public wire bits:    9313
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of ports:                  4
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of port bits:              4
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of memories:               0
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of memory bits:            0
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of processes:              0
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:    Number of cells:               5732
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      $scopeinfo                     19
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_CARRY                      452
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_DFF                         79
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_DFFE                        35
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_DFFESR                    1380
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_DFFSR                        8
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_GB_IO                        1
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_IO                           3
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_LUT4                      3737
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:      SB_RAM40_4K                    18
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO: 
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO: Device utilisation:
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:            ICESTORM_LC:  5033/ 5280    95%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:           ICESTORM_RAM:    18/   30    60%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:                  SB_IO:     4/   96     4%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:                  SB_GB:     5/    8    62%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:           ICESTORM_PLL:     0/    1     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:            SB_WARMBOOT:     0/    1     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:           ICESTORM_DSP:     0/    8     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:         ICESTORM_HFOSC:     0/    1     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:         ICESTORM_LFOSC:     0/    1     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:                 SB_I2C:     0/    2     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:                 SB_SPI:     0/    2     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:                 IO_I3C:     0/    2     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:            SB_LEDDA_IP:     0/    1     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:            SB_RGBA_DRV:     0/    1     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO:         ICESTORM_SPRAM:     0/    4     0%
[2024-07-03 13:08:12,208] niar: INFO: 

After moving the fault check out of fetch.resolve: 1:47, 4825 LCs.
After using .all(): 1:44, 4802 LCs.
After fixing our IL digest behaviour: priceless.

After splitting out just OP_IMM: 404k IL, 2:36, 5038 LCs. O_o
I guess I need to split out the decode a little more? Or maybe itā€™s just a matter of decomposing more.

After replacing multiple m.d.sync += self.write_xreg(v_i.rd, ...) with one of those and a comb wire out for the value: 404k IL, 1:35, 4851 LCs.

Weā€™ll split it out as much as possible at first, and then slowly reintegrate. We already do the register save in fetch.init, and now with some care after splitting out OP_IMM itā€™s a bit better again.

Need to remember that the toolchain does much less deduplication than we assume. Keep going on that, esp with insn decode.

Using ~insn[:16].bool() instead of == 0: 404k IL, 1:52, 4800 LCs.
Using wb_reg.any() instead of != 0: no change.

After splitting out LOAD: 404k IL, 1:59, 4945 LCs. Uhm.
After factoring the xreg fetch into common: 402k IL, 1:46, 4972 LCs. Hmmmmmm.

After adding the read register: ran out of BELs. Welp. (6515 cells.)
After changing the read register comb->sync: 6394 cells. Improved slightly.
After splitting out OP: 371k IL, 7166 cells. ā€¦
After refactoring OP with out: 7120 cells.
After splitting out STORE: 368k IL, 7134 cells.
After splitting out BRANCH: 343k IL, 6386 cells.
After splitting out JALR: 339k IL, 5599 cells and PNR is working again.
After changing jump(m, pc)ā€™s context manager return to ~_.bool(): 339k IL, 5602 cells. Uh, ok. Reverting that for now just ā€˜cause maybe thereā€™s a cross-over point (size of bv).

Using any() instead of bool() causes cell reduction? At 5587. 339k IL, 1:04, 4774 LCs.
OK, switching sync->comb on read regs bumps back up to 5664 (+77), and increases PNR time significantly (maybe because weā€™re close to cell count?). 338k IL, 2:41, 4984 LCs (94%).

Next step is to do the instruction decode in one place and then pass info to following stages.

Added imm and funct3 to LOAD: 342k IL, 1:06, 4905 LCs (92%).
Did the same to OP_IMM: 342k IL, 0:58, 4886 LCs (92%).
Removed v_sxi wire and just used imm[:12].as_signed() in place: 342k IL, 1:01, 4907 LCs (92%).
Did same deal to OP: 343k IL, 1:01, 4806 LCs.
Did same deal to STORE: 344k IL, 1:16, 4816 LCs. !!!
I forgot to only use the bottom 12 bits of imm. Fixed: 344k IL, 1:09, 4910 LCs. What?
Try doing the sign-extension in resolve: 344k IL, 1:13, 4845 LCs.
Do the thing for BRANCH: 337k IL, 1:20, 4859 LCs.
JALR too, thatā€™s everything: 337k IL, 1:13, 4812 LCs.
Drop v_sxi and do the sign extension in resolve: 336k IL, 1:15, 4825 LCs.
Same for LOAD: 336k IL, 1:17, 4774 LCs (90%). Huh.

op.op_imm and op.op can be refactored.
Hackily done: 333k IL, 0:59, 4595 LCs. OK yeah, that helps!
Done so that it actually works (still hack): 333k IL, 1:05, 4633 LCs (87%).

Put register file in memory now that itā€™s all separated out.
(How much is it using, really? Half XCOUNT: 288k IL, 0:19, 3340 LCs (63%). OK, quite a bit.)

Pico fits in 750ā€“1000. SERV fits in 198??????

Dumped it in a register file. Gave it two read ports so no existing code has to change, I think itā€™s just duplicated the memories but theyā€™re so small it doesnā€™t matter. 265k IL, 0:13, 2367 LCs (44%).

Cleaned up our reg read and write logic: 264k IL, 0:14, 2300 LCs (43%).

TODOs remaining:

  • Read all the accepted Amaranth RFCs.

OK cool.

  • Do a once-over and generally clean up the Hart.

2291 LCs.
2162 LCs after combing the MMU interface.
2269 when I do it to the MMU write port. No point since we have to register a lot anyway. Back to 2162. Similarly it grows when I use comb to set req_width ā€” maybe because everything else in the FSM (back at this point) is sync, so they all switch together. Hrm.

Letā€™s try changing the write_xreg to comb. Basis: 8e3c38ca, 2162 LCs. Hm, nah ā€” this canā€™t work. We assemble the components over multiple cycles fairly often (use xwr_reg to store v_X.rd etc.). What about read_xreg? The result is we must read the result when expected, since weā€™re no longer registering the address. I anticipate a growth in LCs (but faster reads).

2266 LCs, but havenā€™t removed the extra states yet so tests all fail.
2303 LCs, necessitated an ALU refactor. So I donā€™t think thereā€™s a benefit to this other than speed? Letā€™s see how many cycles CXXRTL gains.
57508 after change, 57505 before. Well! The ALU split is something though, if I keep that itā€™s gonna be uglier anyway. How can I fix up?

Maybe we can tell the ALU where to read its inputs.

Adding a top-level ā€œdelayā€ that gates the whole FSM adds 100LCs. Itā€™d be nice to have one wait state. Ah well.

2230 LCs after centralising the ALU. Splitting it into two stages gets us to ā€¦ 2246? Oh. OK. Really didnā€™t expect that. Guess I wonā€™t do that.

If we donā€™t have reg read always on, we can actually shuffle bits like imm into xrd2_val.

Up to 2303 on adding xrd[12]_en. ā€¦ and hold the phone, xrd2_val is comb-driven. Nvm.
It barely helps us anyway since we need to post-process for the ALU. Cancel that.

2202 after dropping the m.If(funct7[5]) out of the Else() block ā€” we know theyā€™re mutually exclusive, whereas it doesnā€™t.

On the contrary, 2189 after changing the m.If(funct3 == ā€¦ADDSUB): ā€¦ / m.If(funct3 == ā€¦.SR) to if/elif: easier mux? It resembles a switch (which are probably optimised ā€¦).

2202 after collapsing l.wait states. Cleaner. 2194 after fixing the default bug ā€” thatā€™s 41%.

I would love to get a better idea where all these cells are being spent, but itā€™s pretty hard to say after optimisations.

  • Consider the same for the MMU.
    • At minimum, use amaranth.lib.stream for its interface.
  • Stop embedding the ā€œaddress busā€ in the MMU along with the UART hook.
  • Clean up UART.
  • Move onto the big task.

Aside: ABTest

I feel like I want to make a little sandbox or something that makes evaluating the RTLIL diff between Amaranth expressions easier (optionally running it through opt or all the way through synthesis). Ideally it could even run in-situ, i.e.

with ABTest.A():
    m.d.comb += blah.eq(x[:16] == 0)
with ABTest.B():
    m.d.comb += blah.eq(~x[:16].bool())

Or even:

m.d.comb += blah.eq(ABTest(x[:16] == 0, ~x[:16].bool()))

All such sites would be toggled individually (with others defaulting to ā€œAā€, no cartesian product) and then outputs presented for comparison.

Saeā€™s a bit slow to try this with right now.


This will take some re-understanding. We know the shape of the ISA(s) better now so we might be able to design something less Heppin Magic.

The cherry-picking went fairly straightforwardly, lots of conflicts but all easily resolved. Glad we did it in this order!

Thereā€™s so much magic in isa.py that Iā€™m resolved to redesign this in a much more straightforward way.


Users of an ISA defined with this tool:

  • assembler/disassembler
    • Opcodes and registers accessible via reflection, including support for defining shorthands (J, LI, etc.).
    • Need to be able to go the other way, too.
  • gateware
    • Clear and easy access to layouts and op constants.
    • Exposes metadata like ILEN/XLEN/XCOUNT for gateware to use.
  • subclassing ISAs
    • Can be added to, removed from (e.g. RV32E reducing XCOUNT).


  • Much less magic.
    • Avoid metaclasses, avoid __call__.
    • Inspecting signatures is OK
  • Just enough flexibility to express RV; other ISAs are currently a non-goal.
    • I think the current design encapsulates most of what weā€™ll need here.

Notes on the existing design:

  • Our current design doesnā€™t include an intermediate representation: IThunk.__call__ winds up calling shape.const().as_value().value, building up args to pass to const(); thereā€™s no real point of ā€œcalling it doneā€ except for the first time itā€™s called.
  • Many layouts define immediates in groups of imm0_4, imm5, imm6_11 kinds of things. Sometimes they also omit e.g. imm0 (implied 0).
  • An ISA has a notion of a Register, which is a class defined in the return value of ISA.RegisterSpecifier() (!).
    • This uses locals().update(members) to define the members of an IntEnum, where registers is built up from a list of (name, alias0, ā€¦, aliasn) tuples and a target size.
    • I think weā€™ll still need something like this; itā€™s actually one of the least magic parts of this.
  • All ISA members can define _needs_named and _needs_finalised attributes, processed in ISAMeta.__new__.
    • _needs_named causes the assignment of __name__ and __fullname__ attributes, according to the name being assigned to.
    • _needs_finalised calls finalise on the object with a reference to the ISA.
    • This lets members finish initialising themselves with an awareness of everything else defined in the ISA, including things defined (lexically) after them.
    • ILayout is an empty baseclass with an ILayoutMeta metaclass.
    • ILayoutMeta.__new__ takes an optional argument len and assigns it to cls.len (where cls is the newly-created class).
    • If layout is specified, it marks the class as needing finalisation and checks that cls.len is in fact defined (either now, or in a superclass). Otherwise, itā€™s considered a layout base class.
    • ILayoutMeta.finalise:
      • assembles the defining context dictionary by iterating the ISAā€™s MRO backwards for their dir()s, discounting names starting with underscore (_);
        • In other words, items in the ISA class and superclasses define the context for type-shape lookups.
      • assembles the full type-shape dictionary by iterating the ILayout instanceā€™s MRO backwards for annotations, starting from after ISA.ILayout itself;
        • In other words, annotations in class and its ISA.ILayout superclasses define the set of type-shapes available to layout items.
        • The context dictionary is used as locals() here.
      • iterates over the layout tuple given by the subclass, constructing cls._fields by matching names to ShapeCastables:
        • Members can be strings, in which case they refer to an annotation with a matching name.
          • If the exact match lookup is unsuccessful, the classā€™s resolve() function is called with some context (the remaining items in the layout, length of instruction remaining needing to be allocated to a field), which must succeed.
        • Members can be (name, shapecastable).
      • initialises cls.shape = StructLayout(cls._fields).
      • initialises cls.values and cls.defaults by calling resolve_values on the classā€™s existing (set by subclass definition) values and defaults members, if any.
        • These may not overlap.
        • ints are ints, strings are treated as keys for the ShapeCastable for the corresponding field.
          • If item lookup fails, the ShapeCastableā€™s __call__ is tried.
    • ILayoutMeta.resolve just raises an error. Is this really exposed on subclass instances? Surprising.
    • ILayoutMeta.xfrm constructs the class and calls xfrm on it.
      • If I is an ILayout subclass, this just means I.xfrm(ā€¦) is the same as I().xfrm(), i.e. get an unrefined thunk and then transform it.
        • Digression: for whatever reason we really like being able to use classes in these positions. It ā€œmustā€ be a class because itā€™s the result of defining something with class Blah:, which itself is needed because we often want to supply code, nested classes, etc. But why the insistence on calling the class itself? We donā€™t ever have class instances, and doesnā€™t that seem a bit strange?
        • Thinking forward, the class instances should be the intermediate representation, not a separate thunk class. You call I() or I(a=b), you get a <myisa.MyISA.I object>, with the args hitting I.__init__ like a regular human being.
        • This prevents our delightful (ā€¦) hack with I(s). We can actually just call it I.shape(s), which already exists because thatā€™s what it does lol!!
        • I have some lingering concerns here around repeated work that currently happens in finalise etc. but letā€™s deoptimise now, and reoptimise after the design is sane.
    • ILayoutMeta.__call__ allows zero or one positional arguments, plus kwargs.
      • In the above example, this is I(ā€¦).
      • Zero positionals asserts a layout is defined, and returns a new IThunk(cls, kwargs).
        • In other words, "I(a=b)". This denotes a partially refined instruction based on I.
        • Note that even I() is valid syntax, to get the same kind of thunk but not refining any part of it.
      • One positional asserts a Signal argument is given and wraps it in the subclassā€™s shape (cls.shape(s)), so you can call I(s) to decode s.
    • The IThunk is as close as we get to an ā€œintermediate representationā€ here.
      • Sets _needs_named, as itā€™s probably going to be assigned in an expression like ADDI = I(funct3=I.IFunct.ADDI).
      • Stores the class it was constructed from and the kwargs we got.
      • xfrms initialised to empty.
      • asm_args is defined from list(self.layout): itā€™s the list of arguments an assembly call need to provide. If your layout is ("opcode", "rd", "imm"), we need an opcode, dest register and immediate.
        • opcode is defined as type Opcode and rd as Reg in the defining context, and imm is handled in IL.resolve when itā€™s in the final position.
        • The opcode is refined by being specified in kwargs, leaving just rd and imm for the ā€œasm argsā€. So how does that happen?
      • We iterate over all values and defaults in the IL class, and names in kwargs, removing from asm_args any specified there.
      • Next we iterate names in kwargs, asserting all specified are a part of the layout, and none are part of the IL classā€™s values (the distinction between values and defaults being whether they can be overridden in a thunk ctor or not).
    • It has clone() and partial(**kwargs); the former returns a new IThunk with copies of all settings (for declaration, immutable definition), the latter clones and updates clone.kwargs with given kwargs, removing those from clone.asm_args (further refinement of an IThunk).
    • It also has xfrm(xfn, **kwarg_defaults), which appends a new transform to clone.xfrms, with some optional default kwargs.
      • Transforms are a function which are handed a set of kwargs, and return a dict to update kwargs given to the next one (or to the ilcls.shape.const(ā€¦) call at the end).
      • The kwargs start out as the thunkā€™s own kwargs mixed with any given to the IThunk.__call__, latter superseding the former.
      • The transform functionā€™s signature is analysed: if you take a parameter x, the kwarg x is filled in (mandatory). If you specify x=default, then kwarg_defaults and finally default are used as fallbacks.
        • I wonder why kwarg_defaults is only allowed when no default is given. I guess theyā€™re either really mandatory to specify, or possibly optional.
        • An example here is shamt_xfrm(shamt, *, imm11_5=0). SRAI overrides this with SRAI = I(funct3=I.IFunct.SRI).xfrm(I.shamt_xfrm, imm11_5=0b0100000); the others donā€™t override it at all.
        • In other words, kwarg_defaults is more like ā€œdefault overridesā€. In either case I donā€™t imagine a user is actually setting one in a thunk, so maybe they should be treated that way.
      • Whatā€™s unspecified here is a way for transforms to also transform asm_args, and thatā€™s where I got up to with# clone.asm_args. ## RESUME XXX GOOD LUCK.
    • When an IThunk is called, we resolve the args_for the given kwargs.
      • We call the transform pipe with self.kwargs | args, i.e. those given while constructing the thunk mixed with those given while calling it.
      • The result of the pipe is asserted to match the layout and not override anything itā€™s not allowed to override.
      • The ilcls.values, ilcls.defaults (both already ā€˜resolvedā€™) and result of resolving the pipeā€™s output are all combined and become the args passed to shape.const.
    • Note that transforms are called in the order given, so we must transform asm_args back-to-front, as inputs used by earlier transforms may be provided by later ones.
      • Actually this is just backwards unless we do yet-more-thunking/accumulating. Letā€™s reverse the order of how it should be called, so we can apply asm_args changes as xfrm() is called repeatedly. Actually call the transforms in reverse order.